90th Missouri Department Convention
June 1-2, 2018
Comfort Inn - Macon, Missouri
On Friday, June 1, 5:30 p.m. several Sisters, Guests,
and National Senior Vice President Sarah Meyer
met at The PearTree (formerly AJ's) for a "Dutch Treat" dinner
followed by the 7:30 p.m. Executive Board meeting and
Secretary and Treasurer Audit at Comfort Inn
The 90th Missouri Department Convention
began on Saturday, June 2, at 9:00 a.m.
The Executive Board met following the Convention.
DUV Door Wreath
90th Missouri Department DUV Convention Room
Top Left: Elna Williams (Tent #23) & Gina Smith (Tent #23)
Middle Left: Sisters from Tent #24 (Kansas City)
Bottom Left: Mary Shott (Tent #23) and Julene Thornhill (Tent #23)
Top Right: Dan Mayhew from Macon - Greeting Guests
Bottom Right: Sandy Swadley (Tent #23) & Carol Navarro (Tent #23)
Guide escorting Missouri Department President Mettie Davis
Convention Chair Mary Shott presenting corsage to State President
Maccon American Legion posting colors
Guide escorting National Senior VP Sarah Meyer
Head Table - Lunch
Table Decorations
State President Mettie Davis pinning incoming State President Dee Wolfe
New Member Initiation
New Officer Oaths
Mettie Davis (Tent #23) and State President Dee Wolfe (Tent #24)
Five Tents were represented at the 90th Missouri State Conventon
Tent #16 / Tent #21 / Tent #22 / Tent #23 / Tent #24
Plan on attending the 91st Missouri Department Convention to be held in Kansas City the 2nd weekend of June 2019 and hosted by Tent #24