90th Missouri Department Convention

June 1-2, 2018

Comfort Inn - Macon, Missouri

 On Friday, June 1, 5:30 p.m. several Sisters, Guests,
and National Senior Vice President Sarah Meyer
met at The PearTree (formerly AJ's) for a "Dutch Treat" dinner
followed by the 7:30 p.m. Executive Board meeting and
Secretary and Treasurer Audit at Comfort Inn

The 90th Missouri Department Convention
began on Saturday, June 2, at 9:00 a.m.
The Executive Board met following the Convention.

DUV Door Wreath

DUV Door Wreath

DUV 2018 Convention Room

90th Missouri Department DUV Convention Room

DUV People

Top Left: Elna Williams (Tent #23) & Gina Smith (Tent #23)
Middle Left: Sisters from Tent #24 (Kansas City)
Bottom Left: Mary Shott (Tent #23) and Julene Thornhill (Tent #23)
Top Right: Dan Mayhew from Macon - Greeting Guests
Bottom Right: Sandy Swadley (Tent #23) & Carol Navarro (Tent #23)

Posting Colors and Escorting President

Guide escorting Missouri Department President Mettie Davis
Convention Chair Mary Shott presenting corsage to State President
Maccon American Legion posting colors
Guide escorting National Senior VP Sarah Meyer

Table Decorations
Head Table - Lunch
Table Decorations

Oaths and Initiation

State President Mettie Davis pinning incoming State President Dee Wolfe
New Member Initiation
New Officer Oaths
Mettie Davis (Tent #23) and State President Dee Wolfe (Tent #24)

Tents Represented

Five Tents were represented at the 90th Missouri State Conventon
Tent #16 / Tent #21 / Tent #22 / Tent #23 / Tent #24

Kansas City 2019

Plan on attending the 91st Missouri Department Convention to be held in Kansas City the 2nd weekend of June 2019 and hosted by Tent #24