For more information:

223 N. Clark Street

Moberly, MO  65270

(660) 263-9396

ADER, John                                                                          
ARMSTRONG, W.                                                                                   
ASHBY, R.                                                                                   
BARKEYE, Anthony                                                                               
BAUGH, E.                                                                                       
BERGEN, Mark                                                                                          
BOYD, Jos                                                                                                       
BROOKS, W.                                                                                    
BROWN, William Riley *                                                                                        
BURNAM, W.                                                                                                                                                        
CAVE, Silas                                                                                                                            
CHRISTIAN, Robert Thomas *                                                          
COTTY, J.                                                                                            
DAY, William                                                                                          
DeRIGNE, R.                                                                                       
DUNHAM, J.                                                                                    
DUVALL, John                                                                                        
FISHER, E.                                                                                            
FLOYD, J.                                                                                     
FORMAN, J.                                                                                        
FOX, Peter                                                                                    
FRAZIER, Thomas                                                                                    
GOFF, S.                                                                                         
GREENER, J.                                                                                        
GROJOHN, Christ                                                                                  
GUILE, L.                                                                                         
HADEN, M.                                                                                    
HAMMON, Pvt. John K. *
HARDCISTER, Thomas                                                                           
HARDING, Al                                                                                              
HAYES, C.                                                                                              
HECKEL, W.                                                                                          
HENDRIX, G.                                                                                  
HOFFMAN, John                                                                                   
JOLLY, Joseph                                                                                     
JONES, H.                                                                                              
KELTY, Thomas                                                                                          
KEMPTON, Allen                                                                               
KNOWLES, Albert                                                                                 
KRAUSE, Conrad                                                                                      
LANE, Larkin                                                                                                             
LAST, Aug                                                                                                
LYLE, C.                                                                                                         
LYNCH, J.                                                                                                                   
MACK, Martin                                                                                             
MALLEROY, I.                                                                                                         
MARTIN, A.                                                                                                 
MAYNARD, William                                                                           
McCANDLESS, Alexander                                                                         
MEYERS, William                                                                                    
MILLER, E.                                                                                           
MIX, E.                                                                                                   
MIX, Eli                                                                                           
MORTON, David                                                                                         
MYERS, Daniel                                                                                       
NOIESE, Harry                                                                                           
OSBERN, Evens                                                                                           
OSTMAN, A.                                                                                              
PATTON, Ralph                                                                                         
PITTS, A.                                                                                                
POINDEXTER, Colonel John A. *                                                             
RAIKES, J.                                                                                          
RICH, Samuel                                                                        
RICHARDSON, Jno                                                                                       
ROBERTS, John,                                                                           
ROBINSON, Soloman                                                                      
RODGERS, Julius                                                                                   
ROSS, William                                                                                              
RUSS, W.                                                                                        
SACKET, Enos                                                                                     
SCHEUNEMANN, Aug.                                                                                    
SCOTT, Geo                                                                                               
SEILER, Casper                                                                                           
SELF, J.                                                                                                       
SENECAL. A.                                                                                            
SHEDEL, Geo                                                                                       
SNEAD, E.                                                                                                     
STEWART, W.                                                                                    
STIDGER, O.                                                                                                                               
STIGALL, John                                                                                   
STONE, PVT. John W *                                                                                      
STREET, Robert                                                                               
SUPPE, F.                                                                                                   
SWEENEY, J.                                                                                                       
TERRILL, James Benjamin *                                                              
TERRILL, Robert Nathaniel Green *                                             
THIERFELDER, G.                                                                             
THOMPSON, A.                                                                             
WAGGERMAN, Chas                                                                            
WAYLAND, Henry Harrison*                                                                         
WHITMORE, Fran                                                                       
WILLIAMS, Bennett                                                                             
ZAHN, John


 BROWN, William Riley * is buried in Mt. Salem Church Cemetery, Jacksonville, MO. who was veteran of Union, Co. C, 17th Infantry Vol., MO b. 1825 Taylor Co., Va (now WV) to Missouri about 1828, parents unknown, of Native American ancestry. m. Elizabeth Thompson LUCAS 1849 Macon Co., MO. served civil war, I have records and pension records. His foot was run over by a freight wagon and he was discharged…partially disabled for life. He lived Excello, Mo Macon County and was rancher. Killed in explosion outside of mine in Excello... in 1901. A man was trying to open keg of gun powder with pick ax and it exploded. I have newspaper article, picture of headstone, I have copies of some civil war letters too. LUCAS and BROWN families. a ggggrandfather of Donna 

CHRISTIAN, Robert Thomas * is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in Moberly, Missouri. He was born in Randolph County on October 12, 1839 and died at the age of 58 in 1900 in Moberly. He joined the Confederate Army in 1861 as a private - he joined up with the Missouri State Guards, under Col. Congrave Jackson. Since he had two years of medical school and had worked with his brother-in-law, Dr. Hamilton, he became an assistant surgeon. He later served under Col. Poindexter in the summer of 1862, also as a surgeon. Later he went south and joined the regular Confederate Army, serving in Col. Dorsey's Battallion. In 1863, he was transferred to Perkins' Battallion as a surgeon. My great-grandfather, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

HAMMON, Pvt. John K. * b. 1828 d. 1889, is buried in the Grand Prarie Cemetery just north of Cairo in Randolph County, MO. He joined the 3rd Kentucky Mounted Rifles, CSA, in March 1863. His Captain's name was William T. Havens. After the battle of Chicamauga, he was captured by Union forces from Indiana near Shelbyville, TN on Oct 7, 1863, and sent to Camp Morton near Indianapolis. In March, 1865, he "took the oath", and was "galvanized" into the 6th Indiana Volunteers under Captain David Ezekial. His unit was sent by train to Fort Leavenworth, KS, then marched on foot to Fort Kearney, NT. He was discharged as medically unfit in January 11, 1866 and returned to his home in Owen County, KY. He moved to Randolph County, MO, in 1878 and died during a church service at the Grand Prarie Baptist Church on March 4, 1889. Submitted byThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. his great grandson.
Thomas Newton Grizzell was born 12 Feb 1841 in Carter co., KY to John William and Cintha (Perry) Grizzell. He died 30 Mar 1932 in Randolph Co., MO. He was a Confederate soldier and was buried in the Clifton Hill Cemetery, Clifton Hill, Randolph Co., MO. This information was taken from his obituary published in the 8 Apr 1932 issue of the Salisbury Press Spectator.
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POINDEXTER, Colonel John A. * Confederate Guerilla Leader. John A. Poindexter was born 12 October 1825 in Montgomery County, Kentucky, to David and Elizabeth (Watts) Poindexter. His Confederate enlistment date is yet unknown, but he is credited with leading the first train robbery in American history, holding up a Union train in Randolph Co. MO on Aug 28, 1861. In September of 1861, John is a Confederate captain in the Third Division, Missouri State Guard during the seige of Lexington, Missouri, a Confederate victory. He later suffered a defeat by Union forces at Silver Creek, aka Roan's Tan Yard, in January 1862, but this may have been a diversion allowing almost 2000 recruits to slip into Arkansas. J. A. Poindexter next appears as Colonel of the 4th and 5 Reg'ts, 3rd Div MSG in the battle of Pea Ridge, or Elkhorn Tavern, Arkansas. The Confederates fought fiercely, despite being exhausted from marching at a breakneck pace through blizzard conditions and icy roads, yet it became a Union victory. Under the 1862 Confederate Partisan Ranger Act, Colonel Poindexter's next mission was to recruit and organize Confederate guerilla groups in north-central Missouri, under General Sterling Price. Poindexter raised many men, which became known collectively as Poindexter's Regiment. In March of 1862, General Order Number 2 was issued by the Union army, declaring the members of rebel guerilla organizations as outside the rules of warfare. Such men would no longer be treated as prisoners of war, but would be summarily hung - or shot. In late July of 1862, Federal forces began to move in force against the rebel guerillas state-wide. On August 1st, Colonel Poindexter "took" the town of Carrollton with a force of 1200 to 1500 men. Union Colonel Guitar's 9th Missouri Cavalry, with other troops, picked up Poindexter's trail on Aug 8, and chased them 250 miles in seven days. At 9pm of August 11, Guitar's men caught them at Little Compton Ferry, on the Grand River, while attempting a river crossing under cover of darkness. Many of Poindexter's men were drowned, killed or wounded, and all his supplies lost. After a forty-eight hour running fight, Guitar struck Poindexter again at Yellow Creek, on the Muscle Fork of the Chariton. The desperate men were able to halt Guitar by burning the bridge at Muscle Fork, but only a remnant of the command escaped to scatter into the woods and fields. The Colonel himself was captured on September 1st by Union militia in Chariton County, in hiding and in the civilian clothes of a guerilla. Federal commander Brigadier General J. M. Schofield then wanted to select a captured guerilla as a "prominent case," to be shot as an example to others. The St. Louis Distict commander, Colonel Lewis Merrill, immediately volunteered Col. John Poindexter, and had even chosen an execution date. However, Merrill and Schofield were unable to get an order of execution, and Poindexter remained in the Myrtle Street Prison in St. Louis. He was exchanged sometime in 1864, reputedly in broken health and bowed spirit. Poindexter was the first Confederate officer to be tried and sentenced for espionage. Colonel John A. Poindexter died at his residence in Randolph County, Missouri on 11 or 14 April 1869. He is buried at Antioch Christian Church, Moberly, Randolph Co. MO, and I'm told now has a proper Military marker. Submitted by; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.My 2nd cousin 3x removed, and 2nd cousin to Union Private John A. Poindexter of Greene Co. MO 

STONE, PVT. John W.  * Buried old Fairview Cemetery south of Higbee who was in the Civil War serving in the 9th.Missouri Cavalry, Co. G. (Union Forces) under General Guitar. He served from April, 1863 thru Sept. 16, 1864 and was wounded in battle. He was born in Howard County on December 12, 1843 and died in Higbee (Randoph County) August 26, 1928. Note: The Special Schedules of Randolph County of 1890 Union Vets & Widows lists his post office address as Clark, Randolph County. My great, great grandfather. Thanks,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

TERRILL, James Benjamin * b. 13 Mar 1831 KY, a resident of Randolph Co., MO, was the son of William Terrill and Anne Calvin, my g-g-grandparents. The biography of the Terrill family in the "History of Randolph County", 1921, says that he served for the Confederacy under General Sterling Price and was killed in the war.

TERRILL, Robert Nathaniel Green * b. 5 Oct 1834 KY, a resident of Randolph Co., MO, son of William Terrill and Anne Calvin, my g-grandparents, served with Gen. Morgan in Kentucky for the Confederacy and was killed in action. Reference "History of Randolph County."
Arthur Parker Terrill, b. 18 Feb 1838 KY, 22 Oct 1915 Randolph Co. He was the son of William Terrill and Anne Calvin. He fought for Confederacy in Civil War and was wounded. Walked with a limp for the rest of his life. Became a banker, and was called "Judge" for some reason. Unknown if this was honorary, or if he was a judge at one time. Had no children. Left his money to his spinster niece, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Terrill dtr. of his brother John Robert. Was probably named after his uncle Arthur Parker, the first husband of Elizabeth Terrill (his father's sister). This was about his marriage in the local newspaper (THH): Terrill, A.P. {Judge} -- mar 8 May 1873 Josephine Patton at bride's mother Mary A. Patton, by Rev. W.B. Auderson; THH 14 May 1873. Lived, died and was buried in Randolph Co., MO. The oldest son of William Terrill and Anne Calvin was my g-grandfather, John Robert Terrill. He had a wife and 5 young children born 1857-1865, and of course with that responsibility did not enlist. His daughter, Anne Calvin Terrill married Lloyd Lowry Wayland and they were my grandparents. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

WAYLAND, Henry Harrison * I have copies of his federal records while in the prison camp,
Henry was a veteran of the Civil War, fighting with Poindexter. 5 Sep 1862 captured and in a prison camp in Alton, Illinois, but released on oath of allegiance. A teenager without good judgment, he started fighting again about 10/64, and was recaptured, which was an automatic death sentence. Here is from the story on the front page of the Moberly Monitor-Index newspaper: [Headlines: "JUDGE WAYLAND, A FORMER RESIDENT OF MOBERLY DIES Succumbed at Home in Hammond, Louisiana, Sunday, Funeral in Salisbury. WAS PROMINENT HERE FOR MANY YEARS He built First Electric Light Plant. Mother Obtained Release as War Prisoner From Lincoln. Burial Tomorrow." (Subheadline: IN BUSINESS HERE) Judge Wayland was one of the earlier settlers of Moberly, and lived here until about twelve years ago when he went to Louisiana. He was the head of a number of business enterprises here, and built the first electric light plant the city ever had on the present site of the Moberly Foundry and Machine Company; he built and operated a rake and stacker factory, and continued its operation until it was destroyed by fire. (Subheadline: FREED BY LINCOLN) He was a private during the civil war in the Confederate Army. During the course of the war he, with four others, was captured by Federal troops and held as a prisoner. His mother, who lived at Salisbury, went to Washington, and after an interview with President Lincoln, her son was released. He married Miss Belle (Annabelle) Jackson at Fort Henry, on March 5, 1871.] Henry and his wife lived most of their lives in Moberly. He was buried at Salisbury. I have his photograph, and one of his mother also. Henry's son, Lloyd Lowry Wayland was my grandfather, and his son, John Terrill Wayland, was my father. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.